
The Málaga Corpus of Early English Scientific Prose is a corpus of English vernacular medical writing, consisting of three diachronically divided components, i.e. the Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific Prose (1375-1500); the Corpus of Early Modern English Scientific Prose (1500-1700); and the Corpus of Late Modern English Scientific Prose (forthcoming) for the period 1700-1900.
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  The Malaga Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific Prose

The Málaga Corpus of Late Middle English Scientific Prose is a joint project with other Spanish universities (Murcia, Jaén, Oviedo) together with the University of Glasgow (UK). The project pursues:

a) the electronic edition of hitherto unedited handwritten scientific treatises for the historical period 1375-1500
b) the compilation of a POS-tagged corpus form this material

The corpus includes the three main branches of scientific writings in the period, ranging from recipes to more learned compositions such as theoretical and surgical treatises. The corpus is offered as txt and POS-tagged versions, both susceptible to be used with any standard concordancer.

  The Malaga Corpus of Early Modern English Scientific Prose

The Málaga Corpus of Early Modern English Scientific Prose is a joint project with other Spanish universities (Murcia, Jaén, Oviedo) together with the Universities of Glasgow (UK), Oslo (Norwey) and Adam Mickiewicz (Poland). The project pursues:

a) the electronic edition of hitherto unedited handwritten scientific treatises for the historical period 1500-1700
b) the compilation of a normalised and POS-tagged corpus form this material.

The corpus includes the three main branches of scientific writings in the period, ranging from recipes to more learned compositions such as theoretical and surgical treatises. The corpus is offered as txt, normalised and POS-tagged versions, both susceptible to be used with any standard concordancer (a CQP version is being prepared).